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Please note: Most Catalog texts are not listed here, but are included on the CV with the letter (c) after them.

1978    Roth, Moira; “Toward a History of California Performance, Part One”, Arts Magazine, February 1978
Ross, Janice; “Global Space Performances”, Artweek, August 26, 1978
Barry, Judith; “Cup/Couch”, High Performance, Vol. #3, Sept. 1978

1980    “Performance Events”, City Arts Monthly, July 1980

Brown, Alan; “Dislocated Women”, Artweek, August 16, 1980
Fargier, Jean-Paul; “Vidéo: La Collection du Musée d’Art Moderne de New York”, Le Monde, Paris, November 6, 1980
Loeffler, Carl; “Various Performances - Judith Barry”, Performance Anthology, Contemporary Arts Press, San Francisco, 1980
Barry, Judith, "Women, Representation and Performance Art", Performance Anthology, Contemporary Arts Press, San Francisco, 1980
Barry, Judith/Flitterman, Sandy, "Textual Strategies: the politics of art-making", Screen, volume 21, number 2, 1980

1981    Wooster, Ann-Sargent; “Voice Choice”, The Village Voice, July 15, 1981
Hearn, Reed; “Performing Performance”, Artcom, San Francisco, Fall 1981
Stoffler, Mary; “Thriving - If not exploding”, Image & Issues, Bay Area, 1980
K.A.Z.; “Soap Opera”, Fine Arts Magazine, University at Reading Journal, Fall 1981
“Video by Judith Barry”, University Art Museum Bulletin, Berkeley, May 1981 Block 7, London, Fall 1981
Williamson, Judith; “Video Choice”, Time Out, Nov. 2, 1981
Atkins, Robert; “Art Dirt”, L.A.C.A. Journal, Winter 1981
Video Networks, Bay Area Video Coalition, Sept. 1981
Barry, Judith, "Building Conventions", Real Life Magazine, Summer 1981
Barry, Judith, "Casual Imagination", Discourse #4, Berkeley, 1980-81
Barry, Judith, "Casual Imagination", Museum Journal, #5, Holland, 1982
Barry, Judith/Flitterman, Sandy, "Textual Strategies: the politics of art-making" LIP, Australia 1981


1982    Hoberman, James; “Centerfold”, The Village Voice, December 1982
Shelton, Peter; “I wish they’d get rid of that fake sky”, Performance Magazine, (cover), No.26, 1982
Hanhardt, John; “Ideology/Praxis”, Whitney Museum, New American Film, Dec. 16-19, 1982 ©
Hobeman, James; “The came from Hollywood, Poland and Newton, N.J.”, The Village Voice, Dec. 21, 1982
Suddeutsche Zeitung, “Feuilleton”, Münich, page 11. 1982
Barry, Judith, "Space Invaders", ICC, Antwerpe (catalogue essay)


1983    Heynen, Peiter; “Is video gelijk aan een brandende kachel”, De Volkskrant, Amsterdam, Sept. 1, 1983
Kruger, Barbara; “Review: Casual Shopper”, Artforum, March 1983
Roth, Moira; “A Decade of Women in Performance Art”, Astro Arts Press CA, 1983
Barry, Judith, "Public Fantasy", in ARTISTS ARCHITECTURE, ICA, London, 1983 (2 catalogue essays)
Barry, Judith, "Space Invaders", Un/Necessary Image, MIT Press, 1983
Barry, Judith, "Pleasure/Leisure and the Ideology of the corporate convention", Social Spaces, Banff Center for the Arts, Canda, 1983 (catalogue essay)


1984    Olander, Bill; “New Voices: Four Woman and the Media”, Allen Art Museum, catalogue, 1984
Smith, Paul; “Difference in America”, Art in America, April 1984
Linker, Kate; “Eluding Difference”, Artforum, Dec. 1984
Lehman, Peter; “Video Art, Video Games”, interview with J. Barry”, Wide Angle 6, March 1984
Barry, Judith; “Vamp r y”, Just Another Asshole, Vol. 6. 1984
Barry, Judith, "Corpses don't cast shadows", Museum Journal #6, Holland, 1984

1985    Olander, Bill; “Fragments”, The Art of History/The Loss of Memory, New Museum, catalogue, 1985
Indiana, Gary; “Memories are made of this”, The Village Voice, Dec. 10, 1985
Wooster, Ann; “Choices”, The Village Voice, July 9, 1985
Sturken, Monika; “Feminist Video - Reiterating the Difference”, AfterImage, April 1985
Ellis, Valerie; “The Other Difference”, AfterImage, catalogue, April 1985
Grunberg, Andy; “Beyond Still Imagery”, New York Times, April 1985
Clothier, Peter; “A Passage Repeated”, LA Weekly, October 18, 1985
Gottlieb, S.; “An Experience in Memory Through Art”, Press Telegram, LA, October 11, 1985


1986    Sutton, Ed.; “Video Reviews”, Chart Beat, June 1, 1986
Buckley, A; “Damaged Goods”, Staten Island Advance, August 8, 1986
Bell, Mark; “Projections of Conflict”, Varsity Review, Toronto, Nov. 20. 1986
Fisher, Jean; “Review: Judith Barry, MOMA”, Artforum, Sept. 1986
Grundberg, Andy; “Review: Echo”, The New York Times, May 16, 1986
Everett-Green, R.; “Review: On Show”, Globe and Mail, Toronto, Nov. 20. 1986
Linker, Kate; “Review: Damaged Goods”, Flash Art, Sept/Nov. 1986
Jones, Kim; “Shop Art”, The Village Voice, July 22, 1986
London, Barbara; “Video: Its Context”, Video by Artists 2, ed. by E.Towne, Art Metropole Press,1986
Raynor, Vivien, “Art: Objects are subject of ‘Damaged Goods’, New York Times, July 18, 1986
Barry, Judith, "Willful Amnesia", Video by Artists 2, Art Metropole, Canada, 1986
Barry, Judith, "Dissenting Spaces", Damaged Goods, New Museum, NY, 1986


1987    Miller, John; “Resistance=anti-Baudrillard”, Artscribe, May 1987
Anderman, Joan; “Coca Cola Rep Hoopla”, The Weekly, Seattle, March 18, 1987
Panicelli, Ida; “Sono Sei Americani Pero non in Codice”, La Republica, Rome, Oct. 24, 1987
Barter, Ruth; “Review: J. Barry, E. Fisher, S. Trangmar”, Flash Art, Oct. 1987
Philippi, Desa; “Review: Between Echo and Silence”, Artscribe, Nov/Dec 1987
Gale, Peggy; “Review: Dark Light”, Canadian Art, Toronto, Spring 1987
Gale, Peggy; “Review: Dark Light”, Parachute, Montréal, Spring 1987
Smith, Roberta; “Review: This isTomorrow Today”, New York Times, Dec. 11, 1987
Cameron, Dan; “Whitney Biennale”, Flash Art, Summer 1987
Basa, Lynn; “Artistic construction lets us in on the Joke”, Journal American, Seattle, March 15, 1987
Saylor, Ken; “Recycled Culture”, Galeria Pieroni, catalogue essay for “Non in Codice”, 1987
Morse, Margaret; “Video Works by Judith Barry”, AfterImage, Oct. 1987
Fisher, Jean; “The Vampiric Text”, Parkett, Fall 1987
Fisher, Jean; “The Vampiric Effect”, Galeria Pieroni, catalogue essay for “Non in Codice”, 1987
Pollock/Parker, Framing Feminism, Pandora, London, 1987
Robinson, Hilary, Visibly Female, Camden Press, London, 1987
Geever, Martha, "Seduction HOt and Cold", Screen, Vol. 28, Number 4, Fall 1987
Barry, Judith, "Designed Aesthetic", This is tomorrow today, MIT press, 1987
Barry, Judith, "Casual Imagination", Blasted Allegories, MIT press, 1987
Barry, Judith, "Pleasure/Leisure and the Ideology of the Corporate Convention",
The Event Horizon, Coach House Press, Toronto, 1987
Barry, Judith, “Choros”, PARKETT #13, 1987


1988    Frith, Simon; “The Adam’s Loop”, The Village Voice, May 1988
Hutchinson, J.; “Echoes of a Desolate City”, The Sunday Press, Dublin, October 2, 1988
Kisselgoff, Anna; “Art Nouveau, an Esthetic in Motion Invoking the Spirit of Loie Fuller”, New York Times, Sept. 21, 1988
Louppe, L.; “Les Tables de La Loie”, La Libération Nationale, Paris, Sept. 22, 1988
Fallon, B.; “Judith Barry at Hyde Gallery”, Irish Times, Oct. 3. 1988
Mammi, A.; “Biennale Review”, Artforum, September 1988
“Artisti de Luogo e dell’ogetto”, Casa Vogue, Milan, September 1988
Cameron, Dan; “La Transavanguardia e aberrante”, L’Expresso, Rome, June 26, 1988
Schwabsky, Barry; “Spotlight: Non in Codice”, Flash Art, Jan/Feb 1988
Dunne, A.; “Maelstorm, Melstorm”, Sunday Tribune, Dublin, Oct. 16, 1988
Taubin, Amy; “Art: Cultural Contradictions”, The Village Voice, April 1988
Wooster, Ann-Sargent; “View Point, Video Art - Expanded Form”, High Performance, Fall 1988
Smith, Roberta; “Review: Expanded Forms”, New York Times, March 11, 1988
McLaren; The Village Voice, “Choices”, September 27, 1988
Kimmelman, M.; “Malcom McLaren Show”, The New York Times, September 16, 1988
Schjeldahl, Peter; “Great McLaren: Gallery Swindle”, Seven Days, October 12, 1988
Wallis, Brian; “Questioning Documentary”, Aperture, Fall 1988
Raven/Langer/Frueh, Feminist Art Criticism, UMI Press, Michigan, 1988
Fisher, Jean; “Judith Barry: Through the Mirror of Seduction”, Douglas Hyde Gallery, cat. essay, 1988
Barry, Judith, “Special Projects”, Journal of Contemporary Art, New York, Fall/Winter, 1988
Barry, Judith, "First and Third: a history lesson" Aperture, Spring, 1988


1989    Knight, Christopher; “Temporary points way with “signs””, LA Herald Examiner, May 21, 1989
Lewis, J.A.; “Multi-media marvels”, Washington Post, June 8, 1989
Garrson, Ann; “Mixed Media-Mac”, MacWeek, June 27, 1989
Reveaux, Tony; “Digital Bridge of Words”, Artweek, June 27, 1988
Swift, H.; “Video, Photo’s Child, Comes Into Own”, Oakland Tribune, Oakland, CA, May 30, 1989
Schjeldahl, Peter; “Theoritis”, Seven Days, August 23, 1989
Smith, Roberta; “Whitney Interprets Museum’s Dreams”, New York Times, July 23, 1989
McCoy, Pat; “Review: Adam’s Wish”, Flash Art, Summer 1989
MacDonald, M.P.; “Review: The New Urban Landscape”, Parachute, Spring 1989
Schwartzman, Alan; “Public Art - New Urban Landscape”, Art in America, February 1989
Campbell, B.A.; “The Desire of the Museum”, Newsline, Columbia/Architecture, Sept. 1989
Schwabsky, Barry; “Architecture of the Gaze: An Interview with Judith Barry”, Arts Magazine, Summer 1989
Lovejoy, Margot; Post-Modern Currents, UMI Press, Ann Arbor, 1989
Rawlinson, Jennifer; “Art you can’t always see”, Pulse Magazine, December, 1989
Bonet, Eugeni; “La maatge mobil osta canviant”, Quaderns, Fundacio Caja de Pensiones, No.4, 1989
Barry, Judith; “Artist Project: Tear”, Artforum, January 1989
Barry, Judith, "This is not a Paradox", Illuminating Video, Aperture/BAVC, New York, 1989
Barry, Judith, "Adams Wish", Real Art Ways brochure, Hartford, 1989


1990    Levin, Kim; “Art: Bad Timing”, The Village Voice, March 6, 1990
Degener, Patricia; “Conceptual Art: Ideas Outweigh Object”, St. Louis Post Dispatch, March 26, 1990
Brooks, Rosetta; “Critical Fictions”, Artforum, April 1990
Linker, Kate; “The World of Barbara Kruger”, Love for Sale, Abrams, Inc. New York, 1990
Decker, Joshua; “Decoding the Museum”, Flash Art, Nov. 1990
Aletti, Vince; “Flowers: TV Through the Ages”, The Village Voice, October 9, 1990
Smith, Roberta; “Questions of Rhetoric”, New York Times, Dec. 28, 1990
Levin, Kim; “Art that Intervenes”, The Village Voice, Jan. 15. 1990
Nesbit, Lois; “From Receiver to Control”, Newsline, Columbia University Journal, October 15, 1990
Flam, Jack; “Boob Tubes & Microchips in a New Light”, Wall Street Journal, October 5, 1990
Apgar, Evelyn; “Medium is the Message”, Home News, New Brunswick, N.J. Daily, November 20, 1990
Grundberg, Andy; “Focusing on Television as Objects not Media”, New York Times, Sept. 14, 1990
Brown, Patricia Leigh; “TV after 50 Years”, New York Times, (Home section), October 4, 1990
La Salle; “The Television Set at the New Museum”, Backstage, October 5, 1990
Barry, Judith, "Drive - in and Walk -in Museum", Real Life, Number 20, 1990


1991    Dye, David; “Review: Glasgow - Judith Barry”, Contemporanea, January 1991
Cottingham, Laura; “From Receiver to Remote Control”, Review: Contemporanea, January 1991
New Yorker, “The New Museum - Rhetorical Image”, January 14, 1991
Vine, Richard; “Pandora’s Set”, Art in America, February 1991
Drucker, Johanna; “Spectacle & Subjectivity”, Artscribe, March/April 1991
Aliaga, Juan Vicente; “Le jardin sauvage”, art press Madrid #157, April 1991
Brown, Andrew; “Talking heads”, Ealing Gazette, London, June 21, 1991
Sowner, Sorrel; “The brain behind the head”, Metropolis, London, June 20, 1991
Smith, Caroline; “Projecting Art”, What’s On in London, July 3-10, 1991
“Heading for an arty ride on the Tube”, Evening Standard, London, June 13, 1991
Wolff, Isabel; “Underground art”, The Guardian Newspaper, London, June 26, 1991
Wells, Bridget; “Subway walls are coming to life with Judith”, Your local Guardian (Entertainment section), London, June 28, 1991
Green, Imogen Lycett; “Tunnel Visions”, The Evening Standard Magazine (Art), London, June 1991
Cameron, Dan, The Savage Garden, Le Caixa des Pensiones, Madrid, 1991
Lowry, Patricia; “Art on the Cutting Edge”, Lifestyle, The Pittsburgh Press, October 18, 1991
Barry, Judith, “Ars Memoriae Carnegiensis”, The Carnegie International, Pittsburgh (catalogue)
Hagen, Charles; “Judith Barry”, The New York Times, October 25, 1991
Irving, Amy; “Media Vampires”, Women’s Art Magazine, #42, September 1991, England
(Author unknown); “Review: Bleep and Blooster”, City Limits, June 13, 1991, England
Collings, Mathew; “Judith Barry, Klaus von Bruch”, City Limits, July 11, 1991, England
Zorpetto, Glen; “Tubes and Chips”, Artnews, January 1991
Taubin, Amy; “Voice Choice”, Village Voice, November 2, 1991
The New Yorker, Review, October 28, 1991
Hatton, Brian; “Surface Treatment”, Building Design, Oct. 25, 1991, England
Heezen, Henriette; “The Savage Garden”, Metropolis M, #6, Dec. 1991, The Netherlands
Mari, Bartomeu/ Marie-Ange Brayer, Judith Barry: the Work of the Forest, Fondation pour l’architecture, Brussels, 1991 (catalogue 72 pp. ill, color)
Barry, Judith, "eyestrain", Public Fantasy, ICA, London, 1991
Barry, Judith; Public Fantasy. An anthology of critical essays, fictions and project descriptions by Judith Barry. London: ICA, Iwona Blaszwick; 1991. 127 pages (ill.).


1992    Decter, Joshua; “Judith Barry in New York: review”, Arts Magazine, January 1992
Avgikos, Jan; “Judith Barry/ Nicole Klagsbrun Gallery”, Artforum, February 1992
Knight, Christopher; “Conceptual Art Thrives in ‘Presence’, LA Times, January 7, 1992
Wooster, Ann-Sargent; “Wipeout”, Afterimage, Rochester, February 1992
Ward, Frazer; “Judith Barry”, Art & Text, #42, 1992
Ward, Frazer; “The Work of the Forest”, Art & Text, #42, 1992
Brayer, Marie-Ange,“The Work of the Forest”, Fondation pour l’architecture, Brussels (catalogue)
Voorhuis, Nelly “Selected Works: Judith Barry Rotterdam Film Festival, catalogue)
Brayer, Marie-Ange; “Judith Barry/Fondation pour l’architecture”, art press, Bruxelles, April 1992
Lemaitre, Isabelle; “Judith Barry/ The Work of the Forest”, Arte Factum, no 44., June-July-August The Independent, “Do not adjust your set”, July 2, 1992, England
Nesbit, Lois; “Review:Public Fantasy”, Arts, February 1992
Natute, Marta; “El precio de le da diva”, El Pais, February 16, 1992, Spain
Pakasaar, Helga; “Review: Public Fantasy”, Parachute, April-June, 1992, Canada
Chin, Daryl; “Review: Public Fantasy”, Meaning, Fall 1992
Smith, Caroline; “Outer Space”, Arts Monthly, May 1992, England
Smith, Caroline; “Outer Space”, What’s on in London, May 1992, England
Hampton and Highgate Express, Review: “Outer Space”, April 10,1992, London
Hilton, Tim; “Visual Art”, The Guardian, March 21, 1992, London
Whetstone, David; “Watch this Space”, Newcastle Journal, Jan. 1992, England
Roberts, John; “out of our heads”, Arts Monthly, May 1992
Kunst Bulletin, “Review: Work of the Forest”, April 1992, Germany
Art Culture Loisirs Tourisme, “Review: Work of the Forest”, Bourges, Spring 1992, France
Goethals, Guy, “Afrika en Art Nouveau”, De Morgen, Brussels, February 2, 1992, Belgium
Steenbergen, Renee, “Judith Barry”, NRC Handelsblad, Oct. 10, 1992, The Netherlands
Suto, Wilma; “De Appel: Kongolezen in een Art Nouveau decor”, De Volkskrant, Oct.1, 1992
Roos, Robert, “Hele Moderne Kunstgeschiedenis in miniatuur”, Utrecht Nieuwsblad,Oct. 3, 1992
Lambrecht, Luk; “Review”, Flash Art, October 1992
Canogar, Daniel; “Vampires Never Die,” Lapiz, #89, October 1992, pp. 22-31
Carrier, David; “Carnegie International”, Arts, February 1992
Bonetti, David; “Gallery Watch”, San Francisco Examiner, Nov. 3, 1992
Renaissance Society, Newsletter, Winter 1992-1993, Chicago
Glatt, Cara; “Artist explores sensuality and information,” Chicago Herald, Chicago December 2, 1992. p. 14
Ryan, Cheryl; “Judith Barry and the art of self,” The Chicago Maroon, December 4, 1992.
Tallman, Susan; “Judith Barry,” Metropolis, Nº6, 1992, p. 48
“Un arte nuevo,” Epoca La Cultura, Madrid
Slivka, Rose C.S; “From the Studio,” 1992
Kimmelman, Michael; “In the Summer, Art’s Force Is Centrifugal,” The New York Times (Weekend), 1992
Keiser, Ellen; “Introspection - A Parrish Art Museum Exhibit That Looks at Itself,” Dan’s Papers, August 14, 1992, Page 70
Lipson, Karin; “Looking Back and to the Future,” Newsday, Wednesday, August 19, 1992, pp.52-53
Barry, Judith; “The Work of the Forest”, Art & Text, #42, Spring 1992, Australia
Barry, Judith; “Mappings: A Chronology of Remote Sensing”, Zone: Incorporations #6
Barry, Judith; “Critical Forums: The Organization of Oppositionality,” Acme Journal, Volume 1, Nº2,1992, p. 12
Barry, Judith in “Place, Presentation, Position”, Jan Van Ecyk Academy, Maastricht 1991 (cat.)
1993    Silver, Kenneth E; “Past Imperfect,” Art in America, January 1993, Vol. 81, Nº1, pp.43-46
Smith, Roberta, “Seven Rooms/Seven Shows,” The New York Times, January 8, 1993
Rosenberg, Ann; “Video tyranny: images at once beguiling, horrid,” The Vancouver Sun, Saturday Review, March 13, 1993, C7
Falcioni, Ron; “The two solitudes,” North Shore News, Vancouver, March 31, 1993, p. 29
Morse, Margaret; “The Body in Space”, Art in America, April 1993, No. 4, pp. 116-121 & p. 143.
Cassim, Julia; “Nagoya Biennale slims down, firms up,” The Japan Times, Sunday, May 2, 1993,p.11
Gintz, Claude; “Judith Barry,” Forum International, Vol IV, No. 18, May-August 1993, pp.90-93.
Drucker, Johanna; “Simulation/Spectacle - Beyond the Boundaries of the Old Avant-Garde and Exhausted Modernism,” Third Text, Nº22, Spring 1993, pp.3-16
Lebovici, Elisabeth; “Au débotté chez Le Corbusier,” La Libération, June 23, 1993
Lehigh, Brian; “Herron Examines the Growth of High tech society”, The Sagamore, Vol. 23, Nº7, Sept. 20,
De Morgen, “On taking a normal situation....”, Antwerp, September 23, 1993
Marcels, Bernard; “On taking a normal situation,” ArtPress, December 1993
Lebovici, Elizabeth; “Rouen, le Génie des Monuments”, Libération, Paris, December 9, 1993
Piguet, Philippe; “Le Génie du Lieu, DARNETAL - Rouen,” L’Oeil, December 1993
M.G. “Le Génie du Lieu,” L’Humanité, December 17, Paris, 1993
Kusnt and Culture, “De Duisternis Politiek Belicht”, November 1993 (Belgium)
Heirman, Frank; “Een Frisse situatie in het MUHKA”, Gazet van Antwerpen, Sept.18, 1993
McFadden, Sarah; “Isolationist? Irrelevant? Pernicious?, The Bulletin, London, October 14, 1993
Luik, Derde, "Antwerpen 93 Opnieuw in Muhka", Antwerpen Positief, November 12, 1993
Graw, Isabelle; “La Culture: Zur Ausstellung ‘Projet Unité’, In Firminy” ARTIS, Nov.’93, Germany
Maandag, Ben: “Lotte Stam-beese bepaalt het...”, Rotterdam Dagblad, April 4,1 993
Bik, Jan; “Kunst als voertuig foor Herwaardering...”, Der Gelderlander, Rotterdam, April 19, 1993
Kaplan, E. Ann; “Feminism(s) Postmodernism(s): MTV and Alternate Women’s Videos and Performance Art”, Women and Performance, Issue #1, New York,1993
Benjamin, Andrew; Installation Art, Art & Design Profile, Nº30, March-April 1993
“Art Innovation by Media Expansion”, Bijutsu Techo, Vol. 45, Nº678, Japan, November 1993
Barry, Judith; “Violence in Space”, Violence/Space, Assemblage #20, MIT Press, 1993
Barry, Judith/Miskell, Brad; “Glossary of Received Ideas” On Taking a normal situation....” cat. text, MUHKA, Antwerp ‘93 (for the piece “Whole Potatoes from Mashed”)
Barry, Judith/Miskell, Brad; ‘cover’, Social Text, #36, Duke, 1993
Barry, Judith/Miskell, Brad; Rouen: Touring Machines/Intermittent Futures, book to accompagny installation of the same name, in exhibition entitled “Le Génie du Lieu”,Rouen, 1993
Barry, Judith; “A discussion of some projects and installations”, Place Position Presentation Public, Jan Van Eyck Academy, edited by Ine Gevers
Barry, Judith/Saylor,Ken; “(Home)icide” a collaborative text for an installation entitled
“House of the Present,” Project Unité 2, Firminy, France, April 1993


1994    Collado, Gloria; “ Le Génie du Lieu,” Lapiz, Spain, January 1994
Hubl, Michael; “On taking a normal situation,” Kunstforum, Jan-Feb. 1994
Ardenne, Paul; “Le Génie du Lieu,” Art Press, February 1994
Morris, Bernadine; “Fashion with Style,” The New York Times, February 18, 1994
Breerette, Geneviève; “Cartes Normandes”, Le Monde, January 1, 1994, page 9
Tamblyn, Christine; “The Hair of the Dog That Bit Us”, New Feminist Criticism, ed. Joanna Fruen et al, Harper Collins, NY, 1994
Brayer, Marie-Ange; “Projects and Projections of Space”, Art Press, June 1994, pp.22 -29
Levin,Kim: “Voice Choices: Crash,” Village Voice, July 1994.
Holland Cotter; ‘Crash,’ The New York Times, July 29, 1994.
Cultuur, “Urban Life,”, Den Haag, November 11, 1994
Drucker, Johanna, Theorizing Modernism,:Visual art and the Critical tradition, Columbia University Press, 1994
Bretano, Robin/Georgia Olivia, "Timeline",Outside the Frame: Performance and the Object,
Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art, Cleveland, 1994
Corrin, Lisa, Mining the Museum: An installation by Fred Wilson, The Contemporary, Baltimore,
Bender, Gretchen/Druckery Timothy, Cultural on the Brink, Bay Press, Seattle,1994
Morse, Maggie, "What do Cyborgs eat", Discourse No. 16. 3, Summer, 1994
Giannetti, Claudia, "Les Multiples dimensiones en el arte de la installation", La Paz #105, Verano,1994, Spain
Louacheff, Georgia, "Toque Feminista, Na bienal" Ae Sao Paulo, April 15, 1994, Sao Paolo, Brazil
Archer, Michael, Installation Art, Thames and Hudson, Great Britian, 1994
Pomar, Alexandre, "Alta Indefinicao", Expresso No. 1129, Lisbon, June 18, 1994
Gauville, Herve, "Dela caverne a la lumiere:, Liberation, Lisbon, July 6, 1994
Pinto, Antonio Cerveira, "Defeitos Especiais", O Independente, Lisbon, July 8, 1994
Pinharanda, Joao, "Luzes da ribalta", Publico, Lisbon, June 10, 1994
Bartolucci, Marisa, "Utopia Lost", Metropolis, March 1994
El Pais, “La escultura que perdio su nombre, en el centro cultural de la Fundacion La Caixa”, Barcelona, September 20, 1994
Barry, Judith/Miskell/Brad, “Hardcell” in Zummer, Tom/Reynolds, Rob, Crash, nostalgia for the absence of cyberspace, Threadwaxing Space, NY 1994


1995    Arde, Paul, "Parole d'artistes, dialogues publics", ART PRESS,February 1995
Levin, Kim, "Video Spaces: Eight Installations", Voice Choice, The Village Voice, July 18, 1995 (multiple issues)
Heartney, Eleanor; “Video in Situ,” Art in America, v. 83, n. 10 (Oct.1995): 94-99.
Hagen, Charles; “Back in Fashion, Video Installations,” The New York Times, July 11, pp C13 & C15.
Glueck, Grace; "Turn On, Tune In and Drop By: Video Art's Come a Long Way," The New York Observer, July 24, 1995.
Sterritt, David; "Video Imagery Projects Restless Meditations; Hopper Inspires Film," The Christian Science Monitor, July 5, 1995.
Troster, Christian; "Video Moderne Dissonanzen," German Vogue, July 1995
Caeron, Donna: "Barbara London: Curator of Video Spaces: Eight Installations at the Museum of Modern Art," Manhattan Arts, Summer 1995.
The Star Ledger, Newark, July 5, 1995.Turner, Patricia C; "Merging Image & Imagination: Video Exhibit Enters the Third Dimension,"
Bellantoni, Ralph; "Video Artists Join Forces for High-Energy Show," Sunday Courier-News, Bridgewater, NJ, June 18, 1995.
Green, Renee, "Dropping Science: Art and Technology Revisited, FLASH ART , November 1995, pp. 55-57
Lucie-Smith, Edward, ART Today, Phaidon Press, London, 1995
Wuggenig, Ulf, "Rivalitat, Konflikt und Freiheit", Texte zur Kunst, November, 1995, Koln
Barry, Judith, "not reconciled", OCTOBER 73, Summer 1995


1996    Avgikos, Jan, "Rauschenberg's Cyborgs", Sculpture, May/June 1996, pp. 24-29
Pueltau, Dirk, "Judith Barry" NRC Cultural Supplement, Netherlands, March 15, 1996
Doove, Edith, "Geprevel en gefleuister: Judith Barry in Galerie Xavier Hufkens", ArtsenKrant, , No. 934, Belgium, March 22,, 1996
Weekend Le VIF/L'express , "Judith Barry", April 5, 1996 Belgium
Willemsen, Paul, "Grenzen van taal en ervaring voorbij", De Standaard, Belgium, March 22, 1996
Greenberg/Ferguson/Nairne, Thinking about Exhibitions, Routledge, London, 1996
Tarantino, Michael, "Review: Judith Barry at Xavier Hurfkens", Artforum, October 1996
Drobnick, Jim, "Interrogating the ideologies of Technology: an interview with Judith Barry", Parachute #84, October/November/December 1996, pp. 20-24.
Bovier, Lionel, "Judith Barry refait Geneve", Tribune de Geneve, Samedi-Dimanche, 20-21 Avril "96, p. 43.
O' Regan, Michael, "Behind Closed Doors", NY Daily News, September 29, 1996
Pedersen, "Gallery Go'Round", Paper, NYC,October 1996
Broder, Mitch, Young @ Art", Reporter Dispatch,NYC, September 6, 1996
Pincus, Robert L. "Breakthrough show makes a point of Cleveland" Plain Dealer, Cleveland, Sept. 1, 1996
Halle, Howard, "Art: Tonic Youth", Time Out, Sept. 18-25, 1996
Levin, Kim, "alt. youth media", Village Voice, November 5, 1996
Shinn, Dorothy, "Urban Evidence end product....", Akron Beacon Journal, Akron, Sept. 1, 1996
Smith, Roberta, " Finding Art in the Artifacts of the Masses", New York Times,, December 1, 1996
Sparks, Amy, "The Hidden City Revealed", Cleveland Free Times, Cleveland, September 4, 1996
Phillips, Christopher, "Show Business", Guggenheim Magazine, NYC, Fall 1996
Debevoise, Clay, “Review of Video Spaces”, Millennium Film Journal, NY, No. 29, Fall 1996
McKenna, Kristine McKenna, "Projections and Reflections", LA Times, March 17, 1996
Frank, Peter, "glow, whir and babble" Art Net, April, 1996
Roberts, John, The Art of Interruption:Realism, Photography and the Everyday, Manchester Univ. Press, Manchester, 1996
Rellie, Jemima, 20th Century Art Book, Phaidon Press, London, 1996
Blazwick, Iwona, "Body of Evidence", The Sixth International Contemporary Art Exhibition, Museum of Toyama, Toyama, Japan
Fuller, Diana/Salvoni, Daniela, Art/Women/California, UC Press, Berkeley, 1996
Barry, Judith, "Serving Institutions", Games, Fights, Collaborators,ed, Bizmarch/Stoller/Wuggenig Kunstraum der Universitat Luneburg, Cantz, 1996
Barry, Judith/Saylor, Ken, “Design Notations”, a/drift, Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY, 1996


1997    Archer, Michael, Art Since 1960, Thames and Hudson, London, 1997
Rimanelli, David, "A/drift", ARTFORUM,, February 1997
Fraser, Andrea, "Services: Working Group Discussions". October 80, Spring 1997
Knight, Christopher, "inSITE,OUTTA SIGHT", LA Times, October 4, 1997
Jusidman, Yishai, "Mucho ruido y bastantes nueces", REFORMA/CULTURA 3C, Mexico City, November 5, 1997,
Cook, David, "Technology Cheated My Image", Windsor Review, volume 31, Spring 1997, University of Windsor, Canada
Chattopadhyay, Collette, "The Many Faces of Public Sculpture", World Sculpture News, Autumn, 1997
Krichman, Michael, "Looking to 2000", World Sculpture News, Autumn, 1997
Debroise, Olivier, "Tracing Currents", World Sculpture News, Autumn, 1997
Tibol, Raquel, "insite97 abierto y Organico" Proceso, Mexico, November 30, 1997
Ollman, Leah, "Review:Insite97", Sculpture Magazine, February, 1998
Jusidman, Yishai, "Review: Insite97", Artforum, March 1998
Chattopadhyay, Collette, "Artbeat: Insite97", ARTWEEK, San Francisco, November, 1997
Rivera, Juan Coronel, "insite97", Uno Mas Uno, Mexico, December 8, 1997
Klausner, Betty, "border tones", The Independent, Santa Barbara, Ocotober 39, 1997
Hollander, Kurt, "Crossover Dreams", Art in America, May 1998
Driben, Lelia, "Alto y bajo voltaje", La Cronica, Mexico, December 12, 1997
Smith, Roberta, "Art, film and their brilliant , messy union, New York Times, April 7, 1997
Barry, Biemann et al, Hors Sol, Sous Sol/Shedhalle, Geneve and Zurcih, 1997
Barry, Judith, "Nancy Burson's Mirror", Demi-Mondaine, Chicago, Summer, 1997
Barry, Judith in Andrea Frazer, “What’s Intangible, Transitory, Mediating, Participatory and Rendered in Public Space”, October 80, MIT Press Spring 1997

1998    Lauf/Phillpot, Artist/Author: Contemporary Artists Books, DAP and AFA, NYC, 1998, p. 131.
Jusidman, Yishai, "Review: Insite'97", ARTFORUM,, NY, March 19998
Raccoursier, Anne-Julie, "Entretien Avec Judith Barry, ALLSTAR, Sous Sol, Geneve,1998
Morris, Maggie, Virtualities, Indiana University Press, Bloomington and Indinapolis, 1998
Editoral, "Review of Projections: mise en abyme", Camerawork, Fall/Winter 1998, San Franciso
Editorial, "Preview: Voices", Artforum, May 1998
Schwartz, Ineke, "Veel stemmen en geluiden in stille zalen", de Volksrant, The Netherlands, June 29, 1998
Perree, Rob, "Voices", Kunstbeeld, The Netherlands, August 7, 1998
Braet, Jan, "Sprekend een beeld", Knack, The Netherlands, July 29, 1988
Aragay, Ignasi, "La Fundacio Mioro vibra ambuna ...."AVUI Dijous, (Cultura), Barcelona,September 17, 1998
Spiegel, Olga, "Diez artistsas ponen en la Fundacio Miro..."La Vanguardia, (Cultura), Barcelona,September 17, 1988
Ollman, Leah, “inSITE97”, Sculpture, February 1998, volume 17, number 2, NYC
Rojo, Alfonso Lopez, "Campo sonoro del arte", Lapiz,, December 1998
Borras, Maria Lluisa, "La voz, una componente mas del arte", La Vanguardia, Barcelona, October 9, 1998
Editorial, La agenda de Barcelona, October 5, 1998
Badia, montse, "Art:: La veu com a metafora", AVUI, Barcelona, October 1, 1998
Altet, Xavier Barral, "Veus contra la Cacofonia",AVUI, Barcelona, September 29, 1998
Asell, Vanessa, “Seeing Voices”, Barcelona Metropolitan, September 1998
Uberquoi, Marie Claire, "La fundacio Miro investiga como se utiliza la voz humana en el arte actual", El Mundo, Barcelona, September 17, 1998
QueFEM? O8 , “Les veus de l’art” , November 1998
Molina, Angela, "Voices: ecos de arte, ABC, Madrid, October 15, 1998
Martins, Celso, "Judith Barry", Expreso Caretaz,, Lisbon, November 28,, 1998
Pinharanda, Joaa, "Judith Barry", Publicio Lisboa,Lisbon, December 12, 1998
Pinharanda, Joasa, "Judith Barry", Artes & Ocios, Lisbon, December 4, 1998
M.M., "Judith Barry". Publicio Liboa, Lisbon, November 27,1998
Pinto, Ana, "Espacial: Uma Interessante instalacao...", Exposicoes 11, Lisbon, Index November 27, 1998
Leddy, Kim, "Electronic Art:: Body Mecanique...." Columbus Alive, Vol 15, #40, October 15-21, 1998
Wallis, Brian, Judith Barry: Projections: mise-en-abyme, Presentation House, Vancover, 1998.
An essay by Brian Wallis and a discussion between Judith Barry, Mark Wigley and Brian Wallis.
Barry, Judith, 'Not Reconciled", Fishdrum #13, NY
Barry, Judith, "Questioning Context", Context, Nexus, Philadelphia, 1998
Barry, Judith, "Living with Contradictions ", International Journal for Physicans in Aids Care, Chicago, Winter, 1998
Barry, Judith "Death in Guatamela", International Journal for Physicans in Aids Care Chicago, Fall, 1998


1999    M.M., "Judith Barry, Tango, Porte Brandao, Lisbon, January 1,1999
Faber, Nathalie, "Film die overvloeit in digitale mediavormen", NRC, Amsterdam, February 2, 1999
Wallis, Brian, "Judith Barry", Newsline, Columbia Architecture Planning Preservation, Spring 1999
"Review: La Voix", Le Monde, Paris, March 11, 1999
LeCoco, Francois, "La Voix sos exploitee", La Voix du Nord, March 17, 1999
Bernadina, Marta Della, "Voices", What's on in France, Paris, March 18, 1999
"Review: La Voix de Tourcoing", L'Arca International, March 1999, France
Breerett, Genevieve, "Exposer la voix". Le Monde, Paris, March 30, 1999
"Bridging the Gap", NYFA/FYI, NYC, Fall 1999
Jones, Jonathan, "the Director's cult", The London Observer, March 21, 1999
Fulcher, Dawn, "Review: Notorious:", contemporary visual arts, Issue 23, London, Summer 1999
Cork, Richard, "Freeze Frames that Chill to the Bone" The Times, London, August 4, 1999
Parkinson, David, "Artful Master of Suspense", The Oxford Times, Oxford, July 16, 1999
MacRitchie, Lynn, "Vertiginous dealings with the master of suspens", Financial Times, London, July 24, 1999
Taylor, Joni, “ Recommends: Hitchcock…”, Sydney City Hub, Sydney, December 30, 1999
Lin, Tan, "Body Mecanique:Wexner Center", Artbyte, June, July, August, 1999
Rush, Michael, New Media in late 20th - Century Art, Thames & Hudson, London, 1999
Smith, Valerie, 5000 Artists Return to Artists Space, DAP, NY, 1999
Wallis/Weems/Yenawine, Art Matters:: How the culture wars changed America, NYU Press, NY, 1999
Greenfield-Sanders, Timothy, ART WORLD, published by Mary Boone Gallery, 1999
Bakke, Eric, “Bridging the Gap”, NYFA Quarterly, NYC, Fall 1999
Barry, Judith, "Public Fantasy:, Newsline, Columbia Architecture Planning Preservation, FAll, 1999
Barry, Judith. "Willful Amnesia", Felix Voyeurism, V. 2, No. 2, NYC, Stand-By Program, Fall, 1999


2000    O'Brien, Soledad, "Judith Barry",, posted July 1, 2000
Dusini, Matthias, Judith Barry: Friedrich Kiesler Prize, Catologue produced for the Kiesler Prize, Friedrich Kiesler Foundation, Austria,Vienna 2000
“VII Mostra D;Architecture, Biennale De Venise, 2000 --- Terreur et possibilities de l’invisible: Judith Barry”, L’architecture d’aujourd’hui, Number 330, Paris, Sept/Oct 2000
Der Standard, “Mehlwurmer gegen Mannliche Dominanz” , Austria, November 25,25, 2000
Wiener Zeitung, “Judith Barry erhielt Fredrich Kiesler Preis fur Architektur”, December 4, 2000
Die Presse, “Kliesler Preis fur Barry”, Vienna, October 27, 2000
Wiener Zeitung, “Crossover Kunstlerin”, Vienna, November 24, 2000
Rathaus korrespondenz aktuell, “ Kiesler – Preis an Judith Barry uberreicht”. November 23, 2000
Die Furche, “Preis fur Visionarin”, Vienna, November 23, 2000
Profil, “Wechselwirkung”, Perchtoldsdorf, November 20, 2000
VN. “Hochdotierter Kiesler Preis an Judith Barry”, November 3, 2000
Die Presse, “Kiesler Preis fur Barry”, Vienna, October 27, 2000
Dusini, Matthias, “Gott im World Trade Center”, Falter, Vienna, Number 47/2000
Schellner, Andrea, “Barry’s visions of architecture”, Austria Today, Vienna, November 21, 2000
Frank, Peter, “Art Picks: Judith Barry, Susan Silton:, LA Weekly, Los Angeles, December 22- 28, 2000
Pagel, David, “Entering a Dream State with Judith Barry’s Video Installations”, LA Times, Los Angeles, December 22, 2000
Nover, Peter, Museum without Futures, MAK Center, Vienna, 2001
Butler, Simone, “The Border Within”, On Air Magazine, San Diego, November 2000
Wolinski, Natacha, “ Nantes: destination l’inconnu”, Beaux Arts Magazine, Paris, August 2000
Roux, Emmanuel de, “Voyage dans le chaos des mondes interieurs”, Le Monde, Paris, August 2, 2000
Nantes Passion, Guide de l’et 2000, “des Beaux Arts”, August 2000
Huitorel, Jean-Marc, “Vision Machine”, ARTPRESS, Paris, October 2000
Sandbye, Mette, “Det Dragende Gys”, A Jour Klip: Weekendavisen Berlingske, Kobenhaven, Beligum, September 1, 2000
Barry, Judith, "Living with Contradictions ",Hannah Wilke 1940 -1993, NGBK, Berlin, (cat. essay)
Barry, Judith, “the blindspot in the mind’s eye”, Vision Machine, Musee des Beaux Artes, cat. text on line, Nantes, Summer 2000


2001    Kirkpatrick, Maria L., “Artist Looking to Eliminate Borders in INsite200 Work”, San Diego Metropolitian Janauary 2001
Cash/Ebony, “Artworld: Awards”, Art in America, January 2001
Pincus, Robert, “Wait there’s more: INsite2000…”, San Diego Union Tribune, January 25, 2001
Golonu, Berin, “Viewpoint”, Artweek, San Francisco, February 2001
Wagner, Sandra, “INsite2000”, Camera Austria International, Number 74, 2001
Dattenberger, Simone, “Hochhaus fur Nomaden”, Munchner Merkur Nr. 162, Munich, July 17, 2001
Ait Architktu Innenarchitktur Technischer Ausbau, “Kunst – Architecture – Kunst, Munich, June 2001
Sonna, Birgit, “Luftschlosser mit Bodenhaftung”, Suiddeutsche Zeitung, Munich, July 10, 2001
Ramirez & Camnitzer, Beyond Identity: Globalization and Latin American Art, U Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 2001 ( in George Yudice article)
Yudice, George, The Expedience of Culture, Duke University Press, Durham, 2001
Sangster, Gary, “Articulate Spatial Projections: 8th Cairo Biennale”, The Contemporary Museum Baltimore, 2001 catalogue essay
Rickitt/Phelan, Art and Feminism. Phaidon Press, London, 2001
Green, Renee, Negotations in the Contact Zone, Belem Cultural Center/Maumaus, Portugal, 2001
Siddiqu, Yasmeen M., “Cairo Bienniale”, Flash Art, May – June 2001
Casa & Jardin, “Judith Barry: Galeria Luis Serpa”, Lisbon, December 2001
Oliverira, Luisa Soares, “O Corpo da Voz” Publico 22, Artes Plasticas Exposicao, Lisbon,December 2001
Martins, Celso, “Vozes em transito: sons, imagens e espacosn ma video-instalacao de Judith Barry” Cartaz Exposicoes, Lisbon, December 2001
Storm Magazine, “Galeria Luis Serpa Projectos”, Artes section, November 2001 (on line magazine)
Euronoticias, ”Explorar a voz: Exposicao Judith Barry com Voice off”, Lisbon, November 16, 2001
Lewallen, Constance, Theresea Cha:The Dream of Audience, University of California, Berkeley Art Museum 2001
Princenthal, Nancy, A creative legacy: a history of the NEA Visual Arts Fellowship Program, Abrams, NYC 2001
Schutz, Heinz, Stadt.Kunst, Lindinger + Schmid, Germany (projects section)
Wollen, Peter, “Thought Experiments”, Parkett 61, Switzerland, 2001
Barry, Judith, “Reflection on some installation projects” in Women Art and Technology, edited by Judy Malloy, MIT Press, 2001


2002    Avigikos, Jan, “Based on a True Story, Judith Barry:Museum Jose Guerroro, Diputacion de Granada, Granada (catalogue text)
Fisher, Jean, “In the Garden of Forked Desires, Judith Barry: Museum Jose Guerroro, Diputacion de Granada Granada (catalogue text)
Knode, Marilu, “Report from Egypt”, Art in America, January 2002
Bruno, Giuliana, Atlas of Emotion, Verso, New York, 2002
La Caixa, Catalogue Raisonee: Collection of La Caixa, two volumes, Barcelona 2002
Leisten, Georg, “ Verfolgungsjagd in der Endlosschleife”,Saarbucker Zeitung, Gernany Dezember 14/15 2002. Karlsruhe
Springerin Band IX 2S, “Scream and scream again 1997”, Frujahr Koln 2003 (“future cinema review”)
Jones, Amelia, The Feminism and Visual Culture Reader, Routledge, NY, 2002
Barry, Judith, “Artist Questionnaire”, October 100, MIT Press, Spring 2002,
Barry, Judith, “border stories, working title….” , Egoista 10, Lisbon, June 2002
Barry, Judith, “Bruce Nauman’s architecture”, May ’02, DIA (forthcoming)


2003    Meredieu, Florence de, Arts et Nouvelles Technologies, Larousse, Paris 2003
Rimanelli, David, “Time Capsules: Notable Exhibitions 1986 – 1990 Artforum April 2003 (Damaged Goods, Anti Buadrillard, Impressario, Forest of Signs, Image World)
Fisher, Jean, Vampire in the Text: Narratives of Contemporary Art, in IVA, London, 2003
ARTNET, “Judith Barry launches ICA Boston’s Web Art Project”,
Metzger, Rainer, “UmgSnglichkeit und UnumgSnglichkeit” Art Magazine, May 5, 2003 (web)
Oliveira, Luisa Soares, “Archo abre hoje em Madrid”, Publicio Quartra Feira, February 12, 2003
Vakenta, Peter,, “So sieht das Kino der Zukunjft aus”, Rheub-Necker_Zeitung, Heidelberg January 1, 2003
Claus, Jurgen, Kunstzeitung, January 2003
Wolganmisool, Korea, January 2003
Euronoticias, “Feira: Luis Serpa et Marta Vidal apresentam projectos”, Madrid February 7, 2003
Nogueira, Rita Iberico, “A Conquista da visibilidade”, Diario Economico, Madrid, February 13, 2003
Cultura 33, Publico –Segunda – Feira, February 17, 2003
Local 50, Publico –Segunda – Feira, January 30, 2003
Bischof, Hartwig, “Schnittpunkte”, Die Press, Vienna, October 5, 2003
Die Furche, “ Brullender Lowe, Loch in der Wand”, Vienna, October 5, 2003
STUDIO VOICE, Japan April 2003
El Correreo de Arco, Madrid, February 17, 2003
Oliveira, Luisa Soares de, “Arco abre Hoje em Madrid”, Publicio Quartra Feira, Madrid, February 12, 2003
DNI, “Galeristas minimizam crise mundail”, Madrid, February 9, 2003
CIN, “Galeristas Minimizam crise mundial”, Madrid February 9, 2003
Galan, Eva V, “Estudio para el espejo y el jardin”, Ideal, Granada, June 5, 2003
El Pais, “los artistas plasticos se unen al certamen”, Andalucia, June 21, 2003
Ideal, Granada, June 25, 2003 p. 57
“Granada baja la Mirada del ‘cine artistico” en el Centro Guerrero”, El Mundo, Madrid May 11, 2003
Vozmediano, Elena, “La Fantasia granadina de Judith Barry”, El Mundo, Magazine El Cultural, Madrid May 22 –28, 2003
Fernandez, Carmen, “El imaginario granadino de Judith Barry”, El Mundo, Cultural, Madrid June 2, 2003
Molina, Angela, “La logica del desso”, El Pais, Arte – supplement Babelia, Madrid June 28, 2003
ODA cultura den Granada,” Judith Barry: El Espejo y el jardin”, April/May 2003
El Semanal Digital, “estudio para el espejo y el jardin” , August 26, 1003 (internet)
MundoArte, “Estudio para el Espejo y el Jardin, Judith Barry”, August 26, 2003 (internet)
Cork, Richard, Breaking Down Barriers: Art in the 1990’s, Yale University Press, London 2003
Buck Morss, Susan, Thinking Past Terror: islam and critical theory on the left, Verso, London, 2003
Barry, Judith, “Making the Politics of Display visible: a conversation…” in Julie Ault/Martin Beck, Critical Condition, ed. Martin Babias, Kokerei Zollverein 2003


2004    Werneburg, Brigitte, “Daas grosse Tropical”, Die Tageszeitung, Berlin February 16, 2004
Herzog, Samuel, Neue Zuricher Zeitung, Zurich, February 16, 2004
Fricke, Harald, “Berliner Biennale”, dei tageszeitung, Berlin January, 10, 2004
Faria, Oscar, “Berlim Heterogenea”, Publicio, Rio de Janeiro January 10, 2004
Schoch, Ursula Badrutt, “Kein Happy End, nirgends”, St. Gallen Tagblatt, St. Gallen February 18, 2004
Schoch, Ursula Badrutt, “Kein Happy End, nirgends”, Der Bund, Bern February 18, 2004
Kunstforum International, Ruppichteroth, Bd. 169 Germany Marz-Apri. 2004, p. 369
Harris, Larissa/Scharrer, Eva, “No Development, just repetition, Neue Review, Ausgabe 5, Berlin March 2004
Jansen, Gregor, “3. berlin biennale fur zeitgenossiche kunst”, springerin, Vienna Fruhjahr 2004
Artscenecal, on-line, “Review: Judith Barry at Rosamund Felsen, July 2004
Miskell, Brad, “The human condition”, ARTNET, on-line review of Felsen show, August, 25, 2004 
Smith, Roberta, “Looking back at the flurry on the far side”, New York Times, December 10, 2004
Wagner, Anselm, Andererseits: die Phantastik, Oberoesterreichisches Landesmuseum, Linz
Eggebrecht, Harold, “Laut and Luise”, Suddeutsche Zeitung, Germany 14 October 2004
Portal Kunst Geschichte, “Sichtbarmachung des akustischen Raums”, Germany, 13 October 2004
Goethe Institute on-line, “Phonorama: A cultural History of the Voice”, Germany, October 2004
R.O., “horizont(e)”, Exit Express, No. 6, Lisbon, October 2004, p. 25
Lindim, Isabel, “horizonte”, Elle, Portugal, October 2004
Magazine Artes, “Na Cultura Ha Demasiado Estado”, Lisbon, October 2004, pp. 36 -38
Casa & Jardim, “Exposicoes”, Lisboa, October 1, 2004
Vitoria, Ana, “Galeria Luis Serpa… 20 anos”, Cultura, October 16, 2004, p. 50
Martins, Celso, “Para a Historia” , Expresso, 23 October 2004
Oliveira, Luisa Soares, “Permanecer na memoria”. Publico, 30 October 2004, p. 3
Jornal de Leiria, “Galeria Luis Serpa...20 anos”, 4 November 2004
L+Arte, No. 17 “Arte em Portugal, December 2004
Bauer, Ute, Berlin Biennale 3, Kunstwerke/Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin
Cameron, Dan, East Village USA, New Museum, NYC
Davidts, Wouter, the Museum in Motion, Museum het Domein, Masstricht, CD
Weibel, Peter et al, Phonorama, ZKM, Karlsruhe
Serpa, Luis, Horizont(e), Cordoaria Nacional, Luis Serpa Projects, Lisbon
Barry, Judith, “An Uneven Parallel Construction”, Die Medien Der Kunst/Die Kunst Der Medien, Benteli/ZKM Bern/Karlsruhe 2004


2005    Kalm, James, “Village of the Damned: East Village USA”, Brooklyn Rail, February 2005
Archer, M./Bos, S. et al, If Walls Had Ears, de appel, Amsterdam
Richer, F. /Rosenzweig, M., No.1 : First Works by 362 Artists, DAP Press, New York
Leeson, Lynn Hershman, The Art and Films of Lynn Hershman Leeson, UC Press, Berkeley
Bruno, Giuliana, Interiors: Public Intimacy in the Visual Arts , Any/MIT Press, New York/Boston, 2005
Panera, J/Lopez, R, Baroque and neo-baroque, Domius Atrium 2 Museum, Salamanca, Spain 2005
Josse, B/ Guenin, H, Wall to be Destroyed, Frac Lorraine, Metz, France 2005
Bance, Richard, “Le Frac abat les murs”, Republican Lorrain, Metz, September 27, 2005
Goertz, Olivier, “De l’autre cote du mur”, D’Letzebuerger Land, Metz, No. 41, October 14, 2005
Lorge, Marie-Anne, “Faire tomber les murs”, Culture Expos, Metz, No. 41, October 13, 2005
Gasparina, Jill, “Wall to be destroyed”, Art 21, No. 5, Metz, December 05 – January 06
Gillier, Aurelien, “Exposition: wall to be destroyed” , Archistorm, Paris, November/December 2005
Magazine Publiq, No. 28, November – December 05, “Mur –Mures”
Kochert, Francois, “Abbatre les murs”, Republican Lorrain, Metz, December 4, 2005
Radio Jerico, “Wall to be destroyed”, interview with Helene Guenin et Pierre Cazin, 24, September ‘05
France 3, Morel, Mathieu, “Wall to be destroyed”, 28 September ‘05
Saarlandischer Rundfunk, Schaeffer, Anke, “Wall to be destroyed”, September 29, ‘05
Yablonsky,Linda, “It took a Village”, Time Out, NYC, January 6 -12, 2005
La Semaine, “Wall to be destroyed”, No. 34, Metz, November 3, 2005,
Toutinfo, “Visite Guidee: Wall to be destroyed” , No. 16, august 31 – September 6, 2005
Ros, Marta, “Barrocos y neobarrocos”, Curator, No. 14, Barcelona, Fall 2005
Kunstaspekte, “Termine: baroque and Neobaroque”, Koln, October 24, 2005
ABC, “Barrocos y neobarrocos”, Salamanca,, September 4, 2005
Draxler, Helmut, “Let Loos:Institutional Critique and Design”, Texte Zur Kunst, September 2005
Barry, Judith, “the museum you want” in Davidts, Wouter, the Museum in Motion, Museum het Domein, Masstricht


2006    Blazwick, Iwona, A Short History of Performance IV, Whitechapel Gallery, London
Decter, Joshua, Dark Places:Mapping Enigma, Santa Monica Museum of Art, Santa Monica
Decter, Joshua, Reshuffle: notions of an itinerant museum, Bard Center for Curatorial Studies/Art in General, NYC
Wouter, Davidts, The Museum in Motion, Jan Van Ecyk Academie, Maastricht, Netherlands
Pagel, David, “ Competing for attention: Dark Places at the Santa Monica Museum”, LA Times, February 2, 2006
Harvey, David, Spaces of Global Capitalism, Verso, London, 2006
Josse, B/ Guenin, H, Catalogue of the collection of the Frac Lorraine, Frac Lorraine, Metz, France 2006
Young, Paul, The Artist’s Film, Taschen, Germany, 2006
Berger, Maurice, The 1980’s: an internet conversation, Georgia O’Keefe Museum, New Mexico 2006
Schwendener, Martha, “Art From Everywhere, All From Queens”, NY Times, December 15, 2006
Alter, Nora, “Akustische dimensionen: sound in skulptur und film”, sound 01: die bildende, Akademie der bildenden Kunste, Vienna, November 2006
Sachs, Brita, “Raumkunst im Kunstraum:ein Galerierundgang in Munchen mit …Judith Barry”, FAZ, Munich, Ocotober 7/8, 2006
Sonna, Birgit, “Der Tod steht ihnen gut”, Suddeutsche Zeitung: Munchner Kultur, Munich, October 5, 2006
Braso, Emma, “Queens International 2006”, EXITExpress, Madrid, November 2006


2007    Lawson, Thomas, ed. Miriam Katzeff, An Anthology of Real Life Magazine, Primary Information, NYC 2007
Wagner, James,
Comer, Stuart, ed., Film and Video Art, Tate Publishing, Tate Britian, London 2007
Flavorpill Network SF Issue # 247, “Judith Barry: Sites Taken for Wonder”,
Lowenstein, Kate, “Queens International: Everything all at once”, Time Out, New York, January 11 – 17, 2007
Pincus, Robert L., “Dynamic adds detail to inSITE05”, The San Diego Union -Tribune, San Diego, July 22, 2007
Barry, Judith, “Liminal Zones/Coursing Flows”, in A Dynamic Equilibrium: in pursuit of Public Terrain, ed. Sally Yard, Installation Gallery, San Diego 2007
Barry, Judith, “The Space that Art Makes”, in A Dynamic Equilibrium: in pursuit of Public Terrain, ed. Sally Yard, Installation Gallery, San Diego 2007


2008    Rebollar, Monica, “El Espacio como espejo/the space as mirror”, Lapiz 243, Madrid, May 2008,
Balmisa, Alberto Sanchez, “Entrevista con Judith Barry”, Exit Express No. 36, Madrid, May 2008
Artecontexto: ArtCultureNewMedia, “Retrospective Judith Barry DA2” Madrid, May 2008
Alonso, Isabel, “Las videoinstalciones de Barry y lo major de diseno induswtrial, en el DA2”, La Gaceta, Madrid, February 28, 2008
Cadenas, Luis, “El DA2 organiza la primera muestra individual de Judith Barry en Europa”, Tribuna de Salamanca, Salamanca, February 28, 2008
Vanidad, “Verdadero…los obras de Judith Barry”, Madrid, April 2008
Mariano Mayer, “Judith Barry”, Creative Generation, Madrid, April 2008
Diaz, Cristina, “Una ‘performer corporal”, Yodana, Madrid, April 18, 2008
L’arte, “Judith Barry”,, Madrid, April 3, 2008 Castilla y Leon “El Da2 Salamanca acoge desde manana la muestra ‘Cuerpo sin limites (1980–2007)’ de Judith Barry”, http://www.ecodiario. es/cultura/noticias450466/04/08 CASTILLA-Y-Leonel – DA2-de_salamanca, April 2, 2008
ArtNotes International Art Magazine, No. 20, “Judith Barry”, Madrid, April 18, 2008
Universal, “Arte Salamanca: Retrospective de Judith Barry…”, Iberia, April 3, 2008
De La Villa, Rocio, “Judith Barry”,, April 27, 2008,
Arte Y Parte, “Judith Barry”, Castilla Y Leon, April 2008
Cadenas, Luis, “El DA2 se luce con la primera retrospectiva europea de Barry”, Tribuna de Salamanca, Salamanca, April 4, 2008
La Gaceta, “El arte de la seduccion”, Madrid, April 4, 2008
La Republica Cultural, “La videoinstaciones de Judith Barry de Judith Barry en Salamanca”,, April 9, 2008,
El Adelantic, “El DA2 presenta su programa para los proximos tres meses”, Madrid, February 28, 2008
Wilco, “El DA2 acoge desde hoy una exposicion inedita en Europa de Judith Barry”, Salamanca, April 3, 2008 berry-salamanca_77853.html
Blazquez, Rocio, “el DA2 abre la puerta de Euorpa a las creaciones de Judith Barry” Madrid, April 7, 2008…
Zarza, Victor, “Judith Barry, Cuerpo sin Limites”, ABCD No. 433, Madrid, May 10, 2008
Miscelanea de historia del arte, “Cuerpos sin limites”, Madrid, April 4, 2008, cxposicin-de.html
Lopez, Ricardo, “La critica: Apabullante”, La Gaceta, Salamanca, April 2, 2008 VisualizaArticuloSeccionIU.vis…
Quadernsdigitals, “Muestra de Judith Barry en Salamanca”, Valencia, April 27, 2008
El Adelantic, “El espectador es “un actor” en la obra de Barry”, Salamanca, April 4, 2008
Shangay, “Cuerpo sin Limites”, March 4, 2008,
Jimenez, Carlos, “Judith Barry”, Babelia No. 859, Madrid, May 2008
Mentes Inquietas, “ Museo DA2 Salamanca: Judith Barry”, April 3, 2008
Borrego, Juan, “El DA2 se convierte en una inmensa videoinstalcion para ac oger la primera retrospectiva en europa de Judith Barry”, El Mundo Castilla y Leon, Castilla Y Leon, April 2008
Ibanez, Jose Manuel “Da2 Salamanca Soluciones Visuales”, Mucho Viaje, Gran Canaria, May 2008
De La Villa, Rocio, “Eesgando la cuarta pared”, El Mundo/El Cultural, Madrid, April 24, 2008
La Gaceta Regional de Salamanca, “Muy Intersante: Judith Barry, Sorprende en el DA2”, April 2, 2008
Mariano, Meyer, “Review: Judith Barry, DA2”, Modern Painter, NYC, July/August 2008
Aupetitallot, Yves, Especes d’Espace: The Eighties, First Part, Le Magasin, Grenoble
Ruhm, Constanze, “Die Produktivitat Unsicherer zeichen”, Texte Zur Kunst, Koln, September 2008
Deutsche/D’Souza/Kiwon/Mueller/Nixon/Okudzeto, “Feminist Time: A Conversation”, Grey Room, No. 31, Spring 2008
Podcast: “the three: artist-activist-feminist” roundtable with AA Bronson, Chrysanne Stathacos, Go to Artist Space for the link, uploaded November 20, 2008
Draxler, Helmut, “Ambivalence and Actualization: exhibition design as artistic practice”, Texte Zur Kunst, Koln, December 2008,
Mella, Leanne, The Prisoner’s Dilemma, Ella Fontanais- Cisneros Collection/CIFO, Miami, 2008
Fisher, Jean, Vampire in the Text: Narratives of Contemporary Art, INIVA, London, 2008
Barry, Judith, “Said, said”, October 123, MIT Press, Cambridge, Winter 2008
Barry, Judith/Flitterman, Sandy, “Textual Strategies: the politics of art-making” reprinted in Art and Gender, ed. Antmen, Ahu with Mathews/Gouma-Peterson, Iletisim Publishers, Istanbul, Turkey (in Turkish), Fall 2008


2009    Comer, Stuart, ed., Film and Video Art, Tate Publishing, Millbank, London, 2009
Young, Paul/Duncan, Paul, ed., Art Cinema, Taschen, Koln, 2009
Thomas, Elizabeth, Matrix/Berkeley: A changing exhibition on contemporary art, UC California,
Berkeley Art Museum and the Pacific Film Archive, Berkeley, 2009
Groenenboom, Roland/Sonic Youth, Sonic Youth: Sensational Fix, Walter Koenig, Koln, 2009
Browne, David, Goodbye 20th Century: a biography of Sonic Youth, De Capo Press, London, 2009
Mayer, Mariano, “Judith Barry”, translated from the Spanish by Mariana Grekoff, ARTINFO, Spain, July 7,
2009. See:
Draxler, Helmut, “Ambivalence and Actualization: Judith Barry’s exhibition design and Artistic practice”,
Judith Barry, Body Without Limits, Domus Artium 2002, DA2, Salamanca, Spain 2009
Linker, Kate, “Cinema and Space(s) in the Art of Judith Barry”, Judith Barry, Body Without Limits,
Domus Artium 2002, DA2, Salamanca, Spain 2009
Judith Barry, Body Without Limits, 50 works with texts by Javier Panera Cueva, Helmut Draxler and Kate
Linker, Domus Artium 2002 - DA2, Fundación Salamanca Ciudad de Cultura, Salamanca, Spain 2009
204 pages (ill.)


2010    Bauer, Ute/Vicario, Niko, “Engaged: 20 Years of the MIT Visual Arts Program”, DVD published by ACT/MIT and Aspect Magazine, Cambridge 2010
Lauf, Cornelia, “Judith Barry Review: Body Without Limits” , Art in America, NYC, June/July 2010
Marques, Marina, “Os Labirintos de Judith Barry”, Diario de Noticias, February 8, 2010, Lisbon
Oliveira, Filipa, “O Teatro do Espectador”, L+Arte, March 1, 2010, Lisbon
Oliveira, Filipa, “O Teatro do Espectador”, OJE, March 23, 2010, Lisbon
Oliveira, Luisa Soares de, “The show must go on”, Publico, March 5, 2010, Lisbon
Garcia, Elsa, “Esposicao da semana: Body Without Limits”, Time Out, February 24, 2010, Lisbon
Valentina, Barbara, “Judith Barry: Body Without Limits” , ArteCapital, Lisbon, February 20, 2010
Heister, Andrea, “Review: Judith Barry “body without limits”,, Berlin, Nr. 1, 2010**
Lippy, Tod, “What would you like to see on television”, Esopus #15: Television, NY
Van Aasche,Christina /Ross, David/Newman, Michael, 100 Video Artists, Exit, Barcelona 2010
Menking, William, “The Reign of TV in Spain”, Architects Newspaper –A/N Blog, Monday December 6, 2010
Reino, Cristian, “La tele que Belén Estebán nunca haría”, HOY-es, Barcelona, October 11, 2010
Ed. “Arts Santa Mònica comença la temporada de tardor amb TV/Arts/TV”, bonart actualitat, Barcelona, October 6, 2010. See: a la revista bonart n. 133 (edició paper i edició digital) novembre, 2010
EFE, “El Arts Santa Mónica muestra la relación entre artistas y television”, ABC – es, Barcelona, October 13, 2010
EFE, El Arts Santa Mónica muestra la relación entre artistas y television”,, Barcelona, October 13, 2010
Vidal Oliveras, Jaune, “Experimentos con la TV”, el cultural – es, November 5, 2010, Barcelona,
Hurtado, Joana, “TV/ARTS/TV”, TimeOut, November 11, 2010, Barcelona, **
Newman, Michael, Judith Barry in 100 Video Artists, ed. R. Oliveras, EXIT, Madrid, 2010
Barry, Judith, “What would you like to see on television”, Esopus 15: Television Issue, Fall 2010


2011    Globus, Doro, Fred Wilson: A Critical Reader, Ridinghouse, London
Lauf, Cornelia/Salvioni, Daniela, “80’s New York: Rear View Mirror”, Nero Magazine, Issue 25, Rome
Fisher, Jean, “Interview with Judith Barry”, Plot for a Biennial, Sharjah Biennial catalogue, Sharjah Art Foundation, UAE, 2011
Ed.. “The 10th Sharjah Biennial:Plot for a Biennial”, Art in Asia, Singapore, January 2011
Kunst, Daniel, “At the Sharjah Biennial, Getting to know the intimate side of rebellion”, ArtInfo, April 5, 2011
Pownall, Susan, “the Sharjah Biennial”, The Art of the Nomad, April 25, 2011
Vogel, Sabine B., “Kunst im Wind of Change: Die 5. Art Dubai und die 10. Sharjah Biennale
Stehen stehen im Zeichen der Revolutionen”, Die Press, Germany, March 26, 2011
Higgie, Jennifer, “Sharjah Biennial”, Freize Magazine, #140, London, June – August 2011
Scarborough, James, “Sharjah Biennial 10”, Huffington Post, March 31, 2011
Hussain, Raziqueh, “The Picture Show at The Sharjah Biennial”, Khaleej Times, Sharjah, January 14, 2011
Trembley, Nicolas, “Sharjah Biennial” ArtForum Diary, March 29, 2011
Brewer, James, “Culture Shock: Sharjah Biennial” , Global News box, London, April 27, 2011
Mannes-Abbott, Guy, “Notes from a Biennial, Day one”, Sharjah Art Foundation, March 26, 2011
Leeuwen, Anna, “Sharjah Biennial”, Kunstbeeld, Netherlands, April 11, 2012ënnale:_Sharjah_Art_Museum__en__Collections_Building.html
Vogel, Eileen, “Mehr aul Traume” SZ –Landkrelsausgaben, Munich, November 14, 2011
Kholeif, Omar, “Cairo stories: Judith Barry interviewed by Omar Kholeif, Art Monthly, London, December / January, 2011/2012
Ed. “Tindeln durch die kleinen Kunsttempel”, AZ, Munich, November 9, 2011
Moyer, Carrie, “The Deconstructive Impulse: Women Artists Reconfigure Signs of Power 1973-91,” Art in America, May 2011
Barry, Judith, “Media and Me”, Are You Ready for TV? on-line publication, MACBA, Barcelona, 2011


2012    Fritsch, Werner, “Der Nebel lichtet Sich weiter”, HNA So Erriechen Sie die, Kassel, Germany June 5, 2012
Sommer, Thomas, “Art Spezial” Kunst Magazine, Berlin, June 2012
Schony, Roland, “Faszinierendes Terrain der Wissensproduktion, Arts Magazine, June 6, 2012
Ed. “dOCUMENTA (13)”, Das Artes, Brazil, June 10, 2012
Ed. “dOCUMENTA (13): The Brain”, Kunstforum International, August/September, 2012
Mead, Fionn, “Documenta 13”, Spike, September 2012 von/
Latimer, Quinn, “Documenta 13”, Art Agenda, June 9, 2012
Ed. “Stimmen hinter der Wand”, der Standard, Kulture, Vienna, August 24, 2012
Cotter, Holland, “Works That Play With Time”, New York Times, November 1, 2012
Ed., “The Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona's Collection in six Critical Episodes
(1957-2011) ArtDaily, November 24, 2012
(1957-2011)”, Review: Art Report, November 23, 2012
Ed. “Judith Barry at MUMOK”, ArtNews, Europe, September 27, 2012
Ed. “Judith Barry: Voice off”, Contemporary Art, Vienna, September 1, 2012
Ed. “ Judith Barry’s Voice off…”, ArtDaily, September 27, 2012
Manolova, Gergana, “Where Art Meets Eccentricity”, The Loop, Vienna, October 16, 2012
Ed. “This is Tomorrow: Judith Barry: Voice off”, Contemporary Art Magazine, Vienna, September 21, 2012
Feldman, Hannah, “This Will Have Been: Art, Love &Politics in the 1980s”, Artforum, June 2012
Smee, Sebestain, “The art of the ‘80’s” Boston Globe, Boston, November 15, 2012
Kholeif, Omar, “Cairo stories: Judith Barry”, Portal 9, No. 1, Beirut, Lebanon, Fall 2012
Gielen, Denis, S.F. Art, Science & Fiction, MAC -Musee des Arts Contemporains au Grand Hornu, Hainaut, Belgium 2012
Everleth, Mike, “Classic Music Video: Sonic Youth’s Death Valley’69”, Underground Film Journal, September 28, 2012
Barry, Judith, “Artist contribution”, Draw it with your eyes closed, ed. Paper Monument, NY, 2012
Barry, Judith, “For when all that was read….”, Special issue on dOCUMENTA 13, MOUSSE 34, Milan, Summer 2012
Barry, Judith, “Judith Barry shares her thoughts on hospitality (by way of Kant…)”, FACT, Liverpool, December 2012 See:


2013    Axelsson, Elin, “Konsten Att Spela Teater”, Folkbladet NU, 09/28/13, Umea, Sweden
Bernspang, Karin, “Teatral Konst Lar Om Livet” Vasterbottens-Kuriren, 09/27/13, Umea, Sweden
Ed. “Theatrical Fields at Bildmuseet”, Umea Sweden”, Mousse, Italy, November 28. 2013
Barry, Judith, “Judith Barry”, Audio interview, FONS AUDIO #17, MACBA, 05.02.2013 (24’ 19”) See:


2014    Sachs, Zachary, “Art Interview: Prem Krisnamurthy” , Bomb Magazine, March 4, 2014
Decter, Josh/Helmut Draxler et al, Exhibition as Social Intervention, ‘Culture in Action’ 1993, Afterall Books, London, 2014
Decter, Joshua, Art is a Problem, JPP Ringier, Frankfurt, 2014
Steeds, Lucy, Exhibitions: Documents in Contemporary Art, Whitechapel Gallery /MIT Press, London/Cambridge, 2014
F. Javier Panera, Video Killed the Painting Star: Visual Arts and Video Clip Aesthetics, Art Pulse, 2014
Ed – “Judith Barry and…Cairo Stories”, Interview with Judith Barry at Whitechapel Gallery, London. Aired on Levant TV, Arabesque, London. See: Spring
Quek, Bruce, “Fields Unified and Fragmented”, Randian 2014.10.28 Hongkong, Fall
Ed – “Project L’Unite in Firminy, Interview with Yves Aupetitallot”, May #12, France
Ochi, Paula, “Conversation with Judith Barry”, ArtBlitzLA, May 5, 2014
Harris, Haley, “Festival Shows Vocal Artwork”, The Bellringer, Augusta, Georgia, October 8, 2014
Zhao, Freda, “Slought Foundation exhibit shares stories of Cairo Women”, The Daily Pennsylvanian, Philadelphia, September 16, 2014. See:
Barry, Judith, Draw it with your eyes closed, Paper Monument, NYC, web version of the book from 2012


2015    Bollinger/Medicus/Kiesler Foundation, Endless Kiesler, Birkhauser, Zurich, 2015
Rao/Krishnamurthy/Kuoni, Speculation Now, Duke University Press, Durham, 2015
Kholeif/Perks, Transactions of Desire, HOME publications, Manchester UK, 2015
Kholeif, Omar, The Moving Image, Whitechapel Documents Series, MIT Press, Cambridge, 2015
Barry, Judith, “Critics Page” as part of Barbara London’s “Tools and Contemporary Art”, Brooklyn Rail, Brooklyn, March 5, 2015. See:
Barry/Draxler/Saylor, “The Flows of Space. Exhibition Design and Artistic Practice”, to expose, to show… Mumok, Walter Koenig, Cologne, 2015
Barry/Saylor, “Comment: Judith Barry and Ken Saylor discuss labor issues in the Gulf and beyond”, The Architect’s Newspaper, Summer 2015 (all 4 editions). Print.
Barry, Judith, “Interview”, The Geometry of Knowing Part IV: You Are Here, Audian Art Gallery, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada, 2015
Barry, Judith, “Interview”, The Geometry of Knowing Part IV: You Are Here, Audian Art Gallery, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada, 2015


2016    Bickers/Wilson et al, Talking Art, Volume 2, Ridinghouse, London 2016
Perks, Sarah, “A conversation with Judith Barry”, Electronic Superhighway, Whitechapel Gallery, London 2016
Curtis, Tyler, “Dis-play/Re-play”, Artforum,, critics pick
Schwendener, Martha, “What To See in New York Galleries This Week: Dis-Play / Re-Play”. New York Times, NYC, August 25, 2016
Ed –“Dis-Play/Re-Play” Austrian Cultural Forum, in “Art section”, The New Yorker, June 6 & 13, 2016



Catalogues and book projects:

1983    Barry, Judith, Judith Barry: Space Invaders, International Cultural Center, Antwerp, 30 pp, (ill.)


1988    Fisher, Jean, Judith Barry, Through the mirror of Seduction, Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin, 32 pp. (ill.)


1992    Brayer, Marie-Ange, Judith Barry:The Work of the Forest, Fondation pour l’architecture, Brussels 62 pp (ill.)


1991    Barry, Judith, Public Fantasy, An anthology of critical essays, and project descriptions by Judith Barry, an intro by Johanna Drucker, London: ICA, edited by Iwona Blaszwick 127 pp. (ill.)


1993    Barry, Judith, About Face, minature book for Parrish Museum "A Museum Looks at Itself", Parish Museum, Southampton 35 pp. (ill.)


1994    Miskell, Brad/Barry,Judith/Zummer,Thomas, Rouen: intermittent futures/touring machines, L'Usine Fromage, Rouen 100 pp. (ill.)


1998    Wallis, Brian, Judith Barry - Projections: mise-en-abyme, Presentation House, Vancover, 1998. An essay by Brian Wallis and a discussion between Barry, Mark Wigley and Wallis 100 pp.(ill.)


2000    Dusini, Matthias, Judith Barry: An Architecture of the Gaze, 2000 Keisler Prize, Keisler Foundation, Vienna 40 pp. (ill.)


2001    Sangster, Gary, Judith Barry: 8th Cairo Biennale, Contemporary Museum, Baltimore, 110 pp. (ill.)


2003    Avgikos, Jan/ Fisher, Jean, Judith Barry: Study for the Mirror and Garden, Museum Jose Guerrero, Diputacion de Granada, Granada 140 pp. (ill.)


2009    Draxler, Helmut/ Linker, Kate/ Javier Panera, Judith Barry: Body without Limits, Domus Artium 2002, Salamanca, Spain, 210 pp. (ill)

© 2024 Judith Barry Studio

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